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LOGANCanvas Giclée, FramedKluane National Park & Reserve, Yukon, Canada Framed sizes: M: 20.5” x 53” / $795L: 25.5” x 68” / $1,270 One of the goals of my month-long TrueWild...
Signs of FallCanvas Giclée, FramedCaledon, Ontario, Canada Framed size: S: 11.5" x 16" “The Humber River has woven its way around my life for over 3 decades. One of its...
CALEDON PINECanvas Giclée, FramedCaledon, Ontario, Canada Framed size: 13" x 18" “Winter is a wonderful season in Caledon. The snow has a magical way of transforming the landscape, creating a...
SPECIAL REPRODUCTION IN SUPPORT OF THE ROYAL CANADIAN GEOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY~ Half of proceeds from all sales will go to the RCGS~ AT REST, BEECHEY ISLANDCanvas Giclée, Framed1845 Franklin Expedition Gravesite, Beechey Island,...
GREAT GLACIERCanvas Giclée, FramedCoronation Glacier, Auyuittuq National Park, Baffin Island, Nunavut, Canada Framed sizes: M: 21.5” x 50” / $795L: 30.5” x 75” / $1,460 “At three kilometres wide, Coronation...
WILBERFORCECanvas Giclée, FramedWilberforce Falls, Hood River, West of Bathurst Inlet, Nunavut, Canada Framed sizes: M: 41” x 31.5” / $795L: 52” x 39.5” / $1,280 “One of the most rewarding...
WHERE THE RIVERS RUN WILDCanvas Giclée, FramedThe Firth River, Ivvavik National Park, Yukon, Canada Framed sizes: S: 16” x 23” / $310M: 25” x 37” / $610 "Running through the...
TANQUARY VISTACanvas Giclée, FramedTanquary Fiord, Ellesmere Island, Nunavut, Canada Framed sizes: M: 20.5” x 41” / $610L: 29” x 61” / $1,270 “Eight hundred kilometres shy of the north pole...
TOMBSTONE VALLEYCanvas Giclée, FramedOff the Dempster Highway, Yukon, Canada Framed size: M: 21” x 39” / $610“My family and I had been driving across Canada for almost a month, making...
EDGE OF PONDCanvas Giclée, FramedNear Pond Inlet, Baffin Island, Nunavut, Canada Framed sizes: S: 11” x 20.5” / $195M: 15.5” x 32” / $430"Perched on the northern tip of Baffin...
NEW: MOUNT THORCanvas Giclée, FramedThor Peak, Auyuittuq National Park, Baffin Island, Nunavut, Canada Framed sizes: M: 26.5” x 45” / $795L: 34” x 59” / $1,280“Named after the Norse god of...
SAM'S WALLCanvas Giclée, FramedSam Ford Fiord, Baffin Island, North of Clyde River, Nunavut, Canada Framed sizes: M: 18” x 47” / $610L: 24” x 67” / $1,270 “At 180 kilometres...
ARCTIC SENTINELCanvas Giclée, FramedSolitary Tor, Ivvavik National Park, Yukon, Canada Framed sizes: M: 29” x 41” / $795L: 38” x 55” / $1,280“Hiking the ancient mountains near the Firth River...
CAPE HOTHAMCanvas Giclée, FramedCornwallis Island, Nunavut, Canada Framed size: M: 19” x 41” / $610 “In 1930, Group of Seven artist A.Y. Jackson was aboard the Beothic, a supply ship...
SUNDOWN ON WILBERFORCECanvas Giclée, FramedWilberforce Falls, Hood River, West of Bathurst Inlet, Nunavut, Canada Framed size: M: 20” x 41” / $610 “One of the highest waterfalls above the Arctic...
GLACIERSIDECanvas Giclée, FramedHenrietta Nesmith Glacier, Quttinirpaaq National Park, Ellesmere Island, Nunavut, Canada Framed sizes: M: 20” x 53” / $795L: 24.5” x 68” / $1,270 "Five days into my trip...
ALONG THE ICECanvas Giclée, FramedCoronation Fiord, Auyuittuq National Park, Baffin Island, Nunavut, Canada Framed size: S: 15" x 26" / $310M: 21” x 39” / $610 “Travelling by small boat...
FLOATING BYCanvas Giclée, FramedNear Qikiqtarjuaq, Baffin Island, Nunavut, Canada Framed sizes: S: 11.5” x 20” / $195M: 16” x 31” / $430 "This iceberg off the coast of Baffin Island...
LOOKING DOWNCanvas Giclée, FramedHoge Pass, Kluane National Park, Yukon, Canada Framed size: M: 26" x 20.5" “A rugged hike along Kluane National Park’s Donjek Route led to the apex of...
WINTER BLUESCanvas Giclée, FramedCaledon, Ontario, Canada Framed size: S: 11.5" x 16" “Winter is a wonderful season in Caledon. The snow has a magical way of transforming the landscape, creating...
LAKESIDECanvas Giclée, Limited Edition Size: 99 Framed Size: 32.5" x 55" "Fall on a hidden lake in Haliburton, Ontario" - Cory Note:This reproduction requires custom shipping. Upon ordering the gallery will...
LOOKING BACK Canvas Giclée, Limited Edition Size: 150 Framed Size: 9" x 13.5" / $215 "In this painting, the sunset on Lake Superior marks the point where our journey began. It...
ISLAND DAWN Canvas Giclée, Limited Edition Size: 150 Framed Size: 13" x 11" / $215 "As I look back on my fondness for the outdoors, and specifically the elements in nature...
WINTER WARMTH Canvas Giclée, Limited Edition Size: 99 Framed Size: 15" x 21" "On three separate evenings I returned to this local scene just around the corner from my studio....
CREEKSIDE Canvas Giclée, Limited Edition Size: 99 Framed Size: 20" x 18.25" "Fresh snow. Nothing quite defines winter like twelve inches of the fluffy white stuff. This location, found by snowshoeing through it...
SIGNAL FIRE Canvas Giclée, Limited Edition Size: 99 Framed Size: 16" x 21" "I knew I probably should have packed up and gone back to camp a little earlier. I...
LAST LIGHT Canvas Giclée, Limited Edition Size: 99 Framed Size: 20.75" x 26" "Last Light" began on the research trip for "The Living Coast" painting in Lake Superior. The vantage point...
Approaching Dusk Canvas Giclée, Limited Edition Size: 99 Framed Size: 23" x 35" "During our trip up the Great Lakes Heritage Coast last summer, my family and I had the privilege of...
REPOSE Canvas Giclée, Limited Edition Size: 99 Framed Size: 22 x 33" "Superior's rocks break through lucid waters at many places along its varied, rugged shoreline. Every time I see their...
OCTOBER WINDSCanvas Giclée, Limited Edition Size: 75 Framed Size: 31.75" x 51" "Originally begun as a much smaller painting in Gros Morne National Park, Newfoundland, this image beckoned to be painted...