We hope you enjoy perusing our inspired offerings
Signs of Fall
Canvas Giclée, Framed
Caledon, Ontario, Canada
Framed size:
S: 11.5" x 16"
“The Humber River has woven its way around my life for over 3 decades. One of its smaller tributaries runs through my backyard, home to small speckled trout and a myriad of other life forms. I found this lovely view hiking along the Humber's main flow, only a few minutes drive and a short hike from my studio. In the thick cedar forest, rusty-red specks dotted the trees and covered the ground. Summer had come to an end.” - Cory
All of our canvas reproductions are framed with premium wood mouldings from Fotiou.
LOGANCanvas Giclée, FramedKluane National Park & Reserve, Yukon, Canada Framed sizes: M: 20.5” x 53” / $795L: 25.5” x 68” / $1,270 One of the goals of my month-long TrueWild...
CALEDON PINECanvas Giclée, FramedCaledon, Ontario, Canada Framed size: 13" x 18" “Winter is a wonderful season in Caledon. The snow has a magical way of transforming the landscape, creating a...
SPECIAL REPRODUCTION IN SUPPORT OF THE ROYAL CANADIAN GEOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY~ Half of proceeds from all sales will go to the RCGS~ AT REST, BEECHEY ISLANDCanvas Giclée, Framed1845 Franklin Expedition Gravesite, Beechey Island,...