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Winter Warmth (Framed)

Canvas Giclée, Limited Edition Size: 99

Framed Size: 15" x 21"

"On three separate evenings I returned to this local scene just around the corner from my studio. This old bridge where trains used to roll over is now part of the Caledon Trailway, and leads many to the beautiful countryside that we have in the Caledon hills. The road that it crosses, Duffy's Lane, is also one of my favourites as it almost disappears into the forest and swamp. It is not very long, but every spring, when we need some fresh air but might only have a moment, the girls and I hop in the truck and go for a little ride. Usually we are treated by the sights and sounds of new goslings and little turtles in the waters alongside the road." - Cory

All of our canvas reproductions are framed with premium wood mouldings from Fotiou. 

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