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Floating By

Canvas Giclée, Framed
Near Qikiqtarjuaq, Baffin Island, Nunavut, Canada 

Framed sizes:

S: 11.5” x 20” / $195
M:  16” x 31” / $430

"This iceberg off the coast of Baffin Island captivated me as I painted it from the bow of Billy's 24 foot freighter canoe. With waves rocking me back and forth, he kept his hand on the throttle in case the berg flipped. I noticed there was actually very little pure white in the ice, but instead an endless variation of blues, greens, magentas and even yellows. All of it set off by the darkening skies." - Cory

The original painting is a part of the touring INTO THE ARCTIC Collection.

All of our canvas reproductions are professionally framed with premium wood mouldings from Fotiou.

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Clip from Cory Trépanier's Into The Arctic II film where he begins "Floating By" painting.

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